CBSO is a network of academic labs and private industrial centers created in 1994 and an independent association under the law of 1901.
Laurence Hecquet
ICCF – Clermont-Ferrand
Bastien Doumèche
ICBMS – Lyon 1
Véronique Alphand
ISM2 – Marseille
Management committee members
Academic members
Egon Heuson – UCCS – Lille
Sandrine Morel – TBI – Toulouse
Anne Zaparucha – Genoscope – Evry
Industrial members
Jean-Christophe Lec – Arkema – Lacq
Juliette Martin – Protéus by Seqens – Nîmes
Sébastien Roy – Sanofi – Chilly Mazarin
- 1981: creation of the universitary GIS “Bioconversion”
- 1982: 1st Symposium, Marseille-St Jérome, A. Kergomard et R. Furtoss
- 1984: 2sd Symposium, Clermont-Ferrand, A. Kergomard
- 1985: 3rd Symposium, Marseille-Luminy, R. Furstoss
- 1986: creation of the RCP 831 “Bioconversions en synthèse organique”
- 1986: 4th Symposium, Gif-sur-Yvette, R. Azerad, M. Lenfant
- 1987: 5th Symposium, Bordeaux-Talence, B. De Jeso, B. Maillard
- 1988: 6th Symposium, Montpellier-La Grande Motte, G. Renard
- 1989: 7th Symposium, Toulouse-Seix, L. Gorrichon, P. Monsan
- 1990: creation of the “Bioconversion en synthèse organique” club
- 1990: 8th Symposium, Paris, R. Azrad
- 1991: 9th Symposium, Grasse, C. Heret, Centre de Recherche Roure
- 1992: 10th Symposium, Saint Agnan, Nièvre, D. Cantacuzene et M. Larchevèque
- 1993: 11th Symposium, Mèze, Hérault, P. Viallefont, R. Lazaro et M.L. Roumestan
- 1994: association loi de 1901 “Club bioconversions en synthèse organique” (CBSO)
- 1994: 12th Symposium, Batz-sur-Mer, M. Philippe (L’Oréal) et L. Zard (Synthelabo)
- 1995: 13th Symposium, Lalonde-les-Maures, R. FurstossFranco-italien
- 1996: 14th Symposium, La Grande-Motte, J. Bolte et H. Veschambre
- 1998: 15th Symposium English-French, Nouan-le-Fuzelier, C. Augé et E. Guibé
- 1999: 16th Symposium, Batz-sur- Mer, C. Rabiller
- 2000: 17th Symposium, Société Protéus, J.M. Sonet
- 2001: 18th Symposium, La Londe-les-Maures, A. Archelas
- 2002: 19th Symposium, Aillon-le-Jeune, D. Buisson et M. Thérisod
- 2004: 20th Symposium, German-French, Obernai, Sanofi-Synthelabo, S. Perard
- 2006: 21st Symposium Spanish-French, Ax-les thermes, P. Monsan
- 2008: 22nd Symposium, Bussang, M. Ghoul, J.-M. Engasser
- 2010: 23rd Symposium, Royat, L. Hecquet
- 2012: 24th Symposium, Evry, V. de Bérardinis et A. Zaparucha
- 2014: 25th Symposium, Marseille, V. Alphand
- 2016: 26th Symposium, Evian-les-Bains, B. Doumèche
- 2018: 27th Symposium, Guidel Plage, S. Tranchimand, L. Legentil, S. Chevance
- 2021 : 28ème Colloque, Lège Cap Ferret, J. Martin (Proteus by SEQENS), J.-C. Lecq (ARKEMA)
- 2022 : 29ème Colloque, En Ligne, L. Ducrot, C. Bourgery, C. Lelièvre, J. Rodriguez Mocheim, C. Gastaldi